Updated logo.
Edgewood Motel
Edgewood Motel
Changing from Iconic to Realistic.
The sign did not light and was full of holes and deteriorating fast. In most cases would be a hazard and liability risk. With here budget dwindling because of the costs of updating the entire motel , they really needed some help in making that change affordable.
This is where we stepped in to help. With many years of experience in building and installing signage. Knowing simple ways to use affordable resource to achieve our customers goals. Using her existing foundation which was still intact and carefully removing the old rusted signage (as well as taking the time to saving the wild life that had been nesting inside the sign for the last few generation). Working with the clients ideas of a sign she wanted to display to her new customers and the existing customers. We created nice affordable sign that she could start her own iconic image, and be proud of.
Bay Area Diamond
Bay Area Diamond
Bay Area Diamond
Bay Area Diamond wanted to replace its existing illuminated sign and manual reader board. We enlarge the mail identity sign and added a 16mm watchfire full-color video display electronic message center. We added a second pole to handle the additional size and weight. We custom fabricated an aluminum pole cover to hide the two poles.
The Watering Hole
The Watering Hole
The Watering Hole
The water hole's previous sign was an old wooden post structure which additional signs were added over they years. We removed the old sign and installed new foundation, pole, illuminated ID sign and a full-color 19mm watchfire electronic message center.